Kamis, 19 Juni 2008

If you feel failed in final exam and you feel easier to answer in the question in final exam.

I have the tips for the study exam success:

1. Give yourself plenty of time

2. Read over your notes every night

You must learning and much reading until you can understand about the material in the subject and you must try the exercise until you understand and easier to learning the material.

3. Paraphrase the text book and the teacher’s notes

If the teacher teaching learning and explain about the material you must attention and if the teacher write the material you must write.

4. Read something, cover it up, and recite it back until you know it.

You must read others book to know about the information and can increase your knowledge until you can understand about it.

5. Don’t memorize it. Understand it.

You must memorize all about the material has given from the teacher and if you don’t understand you can ask to the teacher until you can understand and you can memorize about the material.

I hope this tips can helpful for you and can try this tips.


  1. Do you have others tips, please put your answer?

Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Reading 2


Human beings have lived on earth for tens of thousands of years, and during most of that time their numbers were relatively small. Before agriculture was developed, the death rate was high, partly because of a limited food supply. But after people began to grow crops and raise animals for food, the death rate fell. And the population of the world slowly grew.

Changes in population are caused by births, deaths, and the movement of people into and out of a country. The number of children born, called the fertility of a population, increases the size of the population. The number of deaths, called mortality, decreases the population. Migration- the number of people entering or leaving a country – can cause either an increase or a decrease. Some people emigrate to another country because of economic and political reasons. A natural increase in the population of a country comes from a greater number of births than deaths.

The population of the world is not spread evenly over the earth. The average number of people who live in an area is called the population density. The most crowded continents are Asia and Europe.

The united state, Russia, and Japan – are industrial nations that have slow – growing populations. Six developing countries with rapidly growing populations are India, Indonesia, Brazil, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nigeria. If no major efforts are made to reduce fertility, population will multiply rapidly.

Many nations in the world try hard to suppress the population explosion. The governments are making the family planning program. In this program people are urged to limit the number of their children. So living standards should not be low. The life of each citizen should be prosperous, no matter of which nationality he is.

Exercise 1. Answer this question!

  1. What do you know about population?
  1. What is meant by fertility?
  1. What is difference between migration and emigration?
  1. What is meant by the population density?
  1. What steps are taken by the governments to suppress the population explosion?

Reading material

The Sound of the Wind

The beach has always been most people’s favorite place to get away from daily routines. Cibobas beach is located in Serang, Banten, and West Java. To be more specific, it’s about 45 kilometers away from southern Serang and 70 kilometers from Malimping, Bayah subdistrict, Lebak Regency, Banten province. The word Cibobos comes from the Sundanese words Ci and Bobos. Ci means water and Bobos means fart. People around this beach call it so, because the waves that touch the rocks produce farting-like sounds.

A virgin beach with clean sand and fresh air creates a calm and comforting atmosphere. Wonderful reefs that jut out from the sea add to the beautiful scenery of Hindia Ocean. Camping, rock climbing, and building sand castles are some of the fun activities that you can do together with your friends here. Howefer, if you don’t like camping, you can stay in a hostel for only 70.000 to 120.000 Rupiah a day.

On the journey to Jakarta, you can take the road that passes Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi. Along the road between Malimping, Bayah, and Sukabumi you also can see other beautiful beaches such as Karangteraje, Ciantir, and Swarna. So, what are you waiting for? Drop everything at once and go for one of those beautiful beaches. You won’t be sorry.

Exercise 1. Answer the question

  1. What are they talking about?
  2. Where location Cibobos beach?
  3. How view over there?
  4. Why people around give the namely of Cibobos Beach?
  5. What is activity us do there?